Sitting: What a PAIN!

Are you reading this sentence while sitting at your computer? 


Although there is not definitive science-based evidence why prolonged sitting has such a harmful effect on the body (Harvard Health Publishing), leading experts (NHS, healthline, MayoClinic) have determined one of the crucial effects excessive sitting has on the body is musculoskeletal imbalances. The neck/upper back pain, low-back, and leg fatigue we experience at the end of our workday may all be a result of our lack of moving. 

According to Runner’s World Magazine, five of the most common muscles tension-related discomforts, from too much sitting, are chest muscles, hip flexors, spinal stabilizers, piriformis and plantar fascia. The following information identifies, states reason for the discomfort and presents ways to reduce the risk of limiting our mobility of these five major muscles from prolonged sitting.

Post created by: Sherri Wilson, Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff


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