Can emotional intelligence help you now?

Have you heard of emotional intelligence? Do you know what role it plays in coping with change? Believe it or not, having good emotional intelligence skills can help you survive AND thrive in times of change and uncertainty. You can learn more about this in our Emotional Intelligence Series that kicks off on Thursday. This will be a blended format with a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning strategies. Sign up here, and read more for a short introduction on how emotional intelligence can help you in changing times. 

Emotional intelligence is made up on four domains: self awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. The first two domains deal with how you personally understand and process your own emotions, where the second two focus on the emotions of others. 

EI or EQ can be broken down into competencies or skills that you can improve for better emotional health and relationships. There are several that are more crucial for surviving and thriving in difficulty than others. For example: 

  • Emotional self-awareness: reading your own emotions and recognizing their impact can help you identify your feelings while experiencing a major change. 
  • Adaptability: flexibility in adapting to changing situations enables you to see more than one path through something hard
  • Empathy: sensing others’ emotions, understanding their perspectives, and taking active interest in their concerns - this is crucial for helping OTHERS cope with change
  • Change catalyst - initiating, managing, and leading in a new direction helps you identify and seize opportunities that might not have been apparent before. 
We have led the Emotional Intelligence Series several times but, as with everything else, this will have a new spin. Join us for this opportunity to grow, survive, thrive, and renew! 


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