Tips to Stay Fit, from your Friends at Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff

While we are all excited about the potential that spring is going to come and stay for a while, we still have rainy cool days.  Even looming snow chances.  Here are a few tips to stay fit and sane in our unpredictable weather and “stay at home” lives.

#1….Schedule it. Having trouble making time for physical activity? Set an alarm on your phone or schedule it on your calendar – and treat it like any other important appointment. (Find YOUR best time, prioritize YO-SEF)!
#2...Warm up to warming up. A proper warm-up (and cool-down)  can help you improve flexibility and avoid injury. You’ll feel better after every workout and be more likely to stick with it.
#3...Move anywhere. Create your own circuit workout at home! No equipment needed, just a little willpower and creativity.  (One FREE resource is
#4...Fit in walking. Being more active doesn’t have to take up a lot of time. You can walk just about anytime, anywhere, and every minute counts toward your goal of at least 150 minutes per week.  
#5...Pick up the pace. When walking, running or cycling, increase your speed from leisurely to brisk or choose a route with more hills or inclines. Or alternate moderate and vigorous intensity. You’ll get a more intense workout in the same amount of time. (Some ideas include using interval sets, brisk walk for 1 minute, followed by 30 second of moderate speed).
#6...Wear what you’ve got. You don’t need special clothing to simply get out and walk. A comfortable, supportive pair of shoes and a few basics will keep you ready to go.
#7...Hold YO-SEF accountable (and maybe a spouse, child, friend or co-worker too).  Not only is maintaining your weight important for life, but spreading your motivation is a gift.  Empower those around you, and on days where you are lacking the drive, you’ll be surprised on how your gift comes back to you.
#8... mEAL pREP. Take a few minutes before your nest grocery trip.  Look up some new recipes with fresh ingredients to spice up the menu.  Add in some healthy snacks like pre-cut veggies and berries , wraps and smoothies. 
#9...Watch you eating habits.  While portions are important, so is pushing the plate away.  Our bodies are wired to keep up thinking we are still hungry.  Take about 10-15 minutes after you eat to allow the stomach to feel full and the mind to be happy.
#10… Pat Yo-Sef on the back. Be proud of your focus and log your accomplishments.  It’s very encouraging to see days of hurdles overcome through movement and self-discipline. 

          Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff invites you to please reach out to us if you need any ideas, support and resources for Staying Fit!

Submitted by Steff McDaniel
Exercise Coordinator of HPFS



  1. One thing I've found very helpful is to "walk to work." That is, after breakfast I get dressed and go out and walk for 15+ minutes before coming home and starting my "work day." Sometimes I "walk home," too. This gets my heart going, limbers me up, and gives me some outside time before sitting down at a desk.


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