Stretching: It Matters

Have you ever wondered why an animal’s first movement after a well-deserved nap is to stretch?  According to, the stretching improves the animal’s blood flow to the body and helps keep their muscles limber to elude unexpected prey.  I hope that we are not having to escape an attacker, but stretching our bodies on a daily basis offers a variety of health-related benefits.Incorporating stretching into your daily routine improves blood flow and circulation, range of motion in the joints, body posture, reduces risk of injuries, increasing nutrient supply to muscles and helps to manage mental stress.
Whenever we stretch, we must keep a few tips in mind in order to receive the most benefits.  First stretching is NOT a warm up activity.  Stretching is most effective when the muscles and soft tissues are warm.  Try taking a 5 minute short walk or mild jog before stretching the muscles you’re about to use.  Next, avoid bouncing whenever stretching.  Bouncing while stretching may slightly tear muscles, which could lead to scar tissue, and over time, tighter muscles. Lastly, the duration (how long to hold the stretch) and frequency (how often to stretch) of stretching is dependent upon the activity.   In general, one should hold a stretch 15-30 seconds and each stretch repeated two to three times.
Stretching does not need to be time consuming.  If you dedicate 10 minutes a day, two to three day a week, you will achieve the most benefits.
Post created by: Sherri Wilson, Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff



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