The world is weird...

The world is weird right now. I keep saying this, because I feel like it is the only blanket descriptor that covers all of the bases. It captures the fact that the world feels scary for some and safe for others. It captures that some people are struggling and some are not. It captures the essence of the world being more out of balance than normal. So, it is my chosen descriptor.

My passion has been, and will continue to be, to help others work and live better. I have been lucky enough to do this for a living for more than 5 years and that is the spirit of this blog. I want to provide a new nugget of professional and personal development every day while we are all experiencing the weirdness of the world. These will be on various topics: some productivity based, some personal development or self-care based. Who knows where this will take us? Overall, I hope it's just a chance to you to learn something that can help you with adjusting to our current reality and perhaps, at some point, planning for a return to a "new normal". 

Fittingly, my first "tip" will be this: When we are facing adversity, there is a say that we must sink or swim. This indicates that we must decide to fail or rise almost immediately. The tide is overwhelming us, it is about survival and the choice we make now will determine whether we survive or don't. While there are undoubtedly life or death decisions being made, in hospitals and in the hands of medical professionals, the decisions we are making in our day to day lives are lower stakes. We still have decisions to make, but it may actually be a detriment to our work and our well-being to make these decisions like they are emergencies. 

I have a different suggestion. Instead of feeling like you have to sink or swim...try floating for a bit. Floating doesn't mean you aren't working or surviving. It doesn't mean you have given up. Floating can look like taking a moment to rest and reflect. It can look like pausing to catch your breath if you feel like you are stuck in a hustle to do more and do it better now that no one is seeing you being physically present at work. It might mean reaching out for help instead of trying to learn all of this new technology on your own. It might mean taking some time to get outside and breathe fresh air. It might look like stopping to feel your feelings instead of pushing them to the side or numbing in some way because they're hard and scary. 

So, our first tip: take a few minutes to float today. Another tip will swim your way tomorrow!


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