Run the day

One of my all time favorite quotes comes from Jim Rohn, the famous entrepreneur and motivational speaker: "Either you run the day or the day runs you". This quote has become something of a mantra for me during this time, a phrase I find myself repeating when I need to get my mind back on track.

In the time management workshops last week, I shared strategies, tools, and techniques to help you stay focused. I ran across another one today that might be worth looking into. It's called having a "Zero-based" calendar.

This strategy means that you essentially schedule all of the activities in your day and leave yourself with as little open space as possible. This prevents you from putting off the tasks you don't particularly love doing and helps keep you from getting distracted. By adding specific time blocks to your calendar, you can also get an idea of how long things actually take. It can also help you reduce the wasted "in-between" time that you may find between Zoom meetings and phone calls.

A Zero-based calendar might look like the picture below. This is my actual calendar for the week, and I will let you know how it works for me!

Let me know if you think you might try this technique in the comments below.


  1. Jim Rohn quote will become my mantra too! Thank you for sharing!


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