Ideas for Accountability

With many of us still working from home, our regular wellness accountability norms might have disappeared. Without gyms open, exercise classes on our calendars, personal training appointments twice per week, etc. many of you have expressed that your motivation and accountability are suffering. We would like to offer a few suggestions:

1. Set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time -Bound. ie: I am going to increase my cardiovascular fitness by walk 30 minutes 5 days a week. I will walk from 9:00 -9:30 am and push myself to go a little farther each day by increasing my speed.

2. Stay accountable. Once you select a goal, being accountable, even if only to yourself, can help you achieve it. Keeping a simple chart on your phone or your fridge where you can check a box for every day you work out.

3. Be a role model! We tend to do for others more than we do for ourselves. Reach out to a family member, friend, spouse, co-worker , etc. Offer a team approach to holding each other accountable. Make a competition or share your log for a no pressure tracking of progress.

4. Look forward.  Focusing not on how low you feel now but on how energized you’ll be when you’re done, or how you might feel if you skip it. “A body at rest wants to stay at rest, and a body in movement wants to stay moving,

5. Track your progress. Using fitness trackers, apps, or even just keeping a journal can help you stay accountable and motivated. Seeing your progress and your ability to keep active during this difficult time will give you a sense of accomplishment and an emotional boost to keep going.

6. Take advantage of pauses during the day. Take advantage of times when you’re waiting for something to finish or start. You can fire off some arm exercises or practice some yoga poses while the dinner is in the oven or during those 15 minutes before a Zoom meeting.

Provided by: Steff McDaniel, Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff

Weekly Goal:





Attainable (how confident do you feel this week on your goal)_______________________________

Realistic (yes/no)___________________











Please feel free to reach out to Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff for any suggestions, encouragement or brainstorming to help you reach your wellness goals!


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